Friday, July 14, 2006

Holy shit, it's a zombie

Back? Yeah, it looks like it. However, if you read this page with anything that resembles regularity, here are the changes. 1)I don't think Kieran posts here anymore 2)I have these amazing things known as a "job" and "social life" now and perhaps soon an "academic obligation" so I'm just going to update whenever I feel like it. None of this daily stuff, it's too much of a pain. 3) I'm not focusing on new music anymore. There's like 5,000,000 blogs out there that already do that and whilst most of them are boring as hell, the few that are worth reading are far better at that stuff than I'd ever even attempt to be.

Plan B
Plan B is a UK resident who's music is a combination of acoustic guitar and rapping. Already I can feel a strong groan coming out of you all and usually I'd be with you. But damn is this guy vicious. The acoustic does a good enough impression of a set of decks to help you overlook the fact that it's a white guy carefully illustrating to us how much of a cunt he is. Keep in mind that rapping in hip-hop was created so that people could voice how they live or at least how they want us to think they live. Usually it's dark, it's self glorifying and unless you're taking a Goodie Mob styled unification approach, rapping tells us in great detail just how isolated yet willing to fight the MC is. Acoustic guitar or none, Plan B does manage to completely depict how unpleasant the lifestyle a number of teenagers in this country have chosen is. Whether "Kidz" is supposed to be semi-biographical or a "Kids" (the movie) like look in to a child as young as fourteen's mentality is anyone's guess given how little I know about this guy. Either way, it's dark yet rather enjoyable.

Plan B - Kidz
Plan B - Sick 2 Def

Here's his site. I think there are more tracks to download there, I'm not really sure.


Blogger jonder said...

Amen, and welcome back.

5:29 AM  
Blogger Aliice said...

I'm glad you're back, Eugene. I haven't been posting since I started organising Ladyfest but I think I might start trying to make myself do some occasionally again since it's the Summer and all. Cheers! Hope yr having an amazing Summer.

6:56 PM  

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