Saturday, May 06, 2006

Labtekwon - Song Of The Sovereign

One of my most listened to discoveries within hip-hop has been Labtekwon's "Song Of The Sovereign". On this record Labtekwon broadcasts his fairly bright way of thinking with the expected tone of vague arrogance. The album is almost completely lyrically driven with Labtekwon often rapping over little more that a simple drum or basic bass loop which is apparently all he needs to stay on beat and broadcast his messages. Messages of simple street politics, a higher spiritual and mental understanding and with the occasional meaningful tale of his own existence. From simple opener "Aten (The God Is Love)" to the final powerhouse closing of "I Am Here" (possibly the albums finest track), Labtekwon reminds me of why I've recently immersed myself so deeply in to hip-hop with his charisma and powerful yet calm rhyming style. He avoids relying on any form of novelty or gimmick and even gives the ever annoying trend of hip-hop record skits and interludes a miss to keep the records flow a consistency throughout it's entire duration.

Labtekwon - Culture
Labtekwon - Perspective
Labtekwon - I Am Here

Buy Song Of The Sovereign from Amazon


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