Saturday, May 20, 2006

Horrorpops - Hell Yeah

My initial reaction to Horrorpops was to smirk and make some snidey comment about post-Distillers post-Cramps post-Tiger-Army cliques. Then, however, I actually listened to their debut and was much more impressed than I would like to openly admit. There is something enjoyably kitsch about this band - they don't come across as taking themselves completely seriously, they just want to dress as Betty Page and/or Eraserhead and jump around onstage with their Go-Go Girls. Yes, this band has Official Go-Go Girls, and to read their lyrics you would easily mistake them for a 1950s rockabilly band.

But so what if they are every clique about the World Of Psychobilly thrown in a big pot and stirred up? If you want a band who have got their image, sound, and sense of humour perfected then look no further. Like I said, they don't appear to consider themselves the next punk rock divas - rather they've just had fun creating their own Horrorpops world that could probably be placed somewhere between a Nekromantix show, the Moulin Rouge and something Tim Burton dreamt up. If nothing else, they look incredible. Front-woman Patricia and her little duo of Go-Go Girls look better than any Suicide Girl you ever laid eyes on, and the male members could easily have walked off the set of Johnny Suede.

Though I couldn't listen to this record a lot (it may have some catchy little numbers but it sure isn't anything The Cramps or The Damned haven't done before) it is still a highly entertaining listen and worth checking out if you like slap-bass and surf guitars. In short, cliqued as it may be, The Horrorpops travelling pscyhobilly pantomime is every bit as fun as they planned it to be.

Baby Lou Tattoo

You can order Hell Yeah from Amazon


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