Thursday, May 04, 2006

Feathers - S/T

So it seems members of Feathers have been involved in two solid releases this year. They made up a large number of the members in the stoner rock band Witch who released their first album in mid March. Now they've released their debut self titled full-length. If I ever entertained the idea that Feathers were going to sound anything like Witch, I'd be rather disappointed. Feathers mainly crawl around in the ever widely inclusive area known as freak-folk. There's none of the basic folk desire to be a story teller and voice of the people but they do use the stripped down lo-fi nature of the genre to make music that almost feels medieval. The instrumentation at times summons up a mental image of village fairs, jesters and what ever else was around a thousand years ago. There's a general awkward nature to picking out a few tracks for you to sample, not because they're all so good but because they're all so the same. They keep the album to eight tracks because they clearly realize that any longer would cause them to out stay their welcome. Feathers' self titled debut is an enjoyable little exploring piece of folk nonsense and just short enough to not piss you off.

Feathers - To Each His Own
Feathers - Ulna

Buy Feathers' self titled debut from Amazon or download it from Emusic as part of their 50 free mp3s trial offer.


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