Saturday, April 22, 2006


Trying to find information about Sailboats is like trying to find a very small needle in a very very large hay-stack. I thought I should try and find out something about this band before I posted them on here, but all I could find was one old interview, an ex-members (blank) MySpace profile and a site with news updates from 2005, although it seems they played one show back in February.

Sailboats are a fantastic hardcore band, even though I only own two songs and even a thorough dig through the archives of Soulseek (normally more than up to date on such things) only came up with the same. As far as I can tell, Sailboats are one of those bands that formed one day, recorded a couple of incredible songs, blew everybody away onstage and then suddenly decided to disband. To give them their dues, they stuck by their morals. Their parting words go as follows:

"We had become a total mockery of punk/hardcore. Here we are rocking out in front of kids at shows, sweating, bleeding just for the sheer spectacle of it, for the thrill of "playing a show," and never engaging with people in any critical way.... we want to take our own unique experiences musically and culturally and turn that into something that truly inspires us to express ourselves... not this fake screaming that has become a stylistic mechanism. So to conclude, we feel we owe an apology, as we have been lying through our teeth both to you and to ourselves. This is where the lie stops."

A mockery of punk/hardcore or not, they still sound great.

The members of Sailboats are now involved in other projects, namely Life In Tokyo (music that I deeply recommend) and Loma Prieta who aren't too bad at all either. I am only posting one track because I think it's a bit sneaky to post everything that I can find in one go.

Behind Trees


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