Thursday, April 27, 2006

Minor Threat - Complete Discography

The risky thing with writing about bands that everybody knows about is that you run a much higher chance of people getting stroppy about it if you say anything critical, or people questioning your facts. So I will avoid saying anything particularly controversial about this band, because most of you probably know everything there is to know about Minor Threat as it is.

Going through your Minor Threat stage is sort of obligatory, just as every teenage girl has to go through a stage of learning Hole songs on the acoustic guitar. Nobody can explain it, it just happens. And for anybody with any interest in punk, there's almost always the Minor Threat stage. Most famously labeled as the band at the root of that whole "straight edge" thing, Minor Threat and Bad Brains set the standard for 80s hardcore punk. I feel quite patronising telling you all this because most of you know this anyway, and these words are batted around so often whenever Minor Threat are mentioned that they might as well be known as "that straight edge 80s hardcore punk band". Type those words into Google and I'm sure Minor Threat will be the name that pops up the most.

Anyway. Like I was saying, whether you think Minor Threat deserve their iconic pedestal status or not, everybody should go through a Minor Threat stage, however brief, because if you like your punk hard and fast then this record is (I quote) "the original gospel according to Ian MacKaye". So for those few of you who haven't had a Minor Threat moment, here's a couple of their classics, just so we're all on the same level here.

Minor Threat - Straight Edge
Minor Threat - Screaming At A Wall

You can buy this record from Amazon


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great post,great band.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Satisfied '75 said...

what a great great collection of songs

12:38 PM  

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