Friday, April 21, 2006

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Fear Is On Our Side

I'm starting to think that our old friends Mogwai might be in a spot of trouble. For years now they've pretty much defined the face to feet, wandering, progressive noise that we all love so well. However they're facing a new problem, a whole wave of clones not only making their sound which was once a complete blast of fresh air seem ordinary, but some of said clones have bettered their hero's last album. It's your fault Mogwai, you give these guys an idea and before you know it someone's taught them a chord, and another, and another and before you know it they've progressed past everything you could teach them. It's like a really generic kung-fu movie.

So are I Love You just Mogwai with singing? I'd really like to say yes but they've figured out what Mogwai were always missing. One notable point about Mogwai's music is the obvious sense of melancholy that whilst present in basically everything they created, wasn't the driving factor. I Love You have taken that undertone of light unhappiness and turned it in to a combination of sorrow and light despair. What were you expecting? Look at the band's name! Look at the record's name! Fear Is On Our Side is an undeniably strong debut album and has made I Love You a real potential force in the ever raging contest for "most depressing post-rock band". But then none of those bastards ever smile, do they.

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - The Ghost
I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness - Last Ride Together

Buy Fear Is On Our Side from Amazon


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