Friday, April 07, 2006

Beehive & The Barracudas

No awesome new music has come my way over the last few days so here's some tracks from the two Beehive & The Barracudas records I own. For those of you who haven't been down with the 'Cudas for years now, they are the hard rockin' side project from members of Rocket From The Crypt and Hot Snakes. I suppose given that this band are the more light hearted offshoot of a much more poker faced pair of bands, they're therefore easily comparable to Eagles Of Death Metal. However, at no point would I call them "ironic". People seem to have trouble telling the difference between ironic and light hearted. I doubt either of Beehive or EODM do what they do as some kind of ironic joke that only the mentally superior are supposed to get. They do it because they enjoy it and more power to 'em. It's party music. Try playing a Clap Your Hands Say Yeah record at a party and see what kind of response you get.

Anyhoo, both records are fairly different. "In Dark Love" is more of a slow paced ditty whilst "Plastic Soul" is far more guitar driven and a slight bit more over the top. If "Real Blue Flame" doesn't get everyone around you moving then a new crowd might be an idea.

Taken from "In Dark Love"
Beehive & The Barracudas - Black Dove
Beehive & The Barracudas - Action

Taken from "Plastic Soul with The White Apes"
Beehive & The Barracudas - The Real Blue Flame
Beehive & The Barracudas - Cooped Up Like A Slave

(still yousendit I'm afraid and thus now expired)

Buy Beehive & The Barracudas back catalogue from Amazon.


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