Saturday, March 11, 2006

Pussy Galore - Right Now!

Believe it or not, before Jon Spencer formed the over produced annoyance that is The Blues Explosion, he was actually in a pretty enjoyable, vicious, over sexed little punk band known as Pussy Galore. The name of the band as well as the song titles should give you a fair idea of the topics covered in their songs.

They did have problems with the pubescent desire to be as offensive as possible. Having a song titled "You Look Like A Jew" as well as constantly mocking the straight edge community whilst playing in areas that the straight edge "way of life" was somewhat popular did them few favors. But in that nihilistic disregard for everyone around them was a fair bit of their charm. Pussy Galore, sounded exactly like what they were, a set of pissed off young men out to create havok and have a bit of fun. Pussy Galore also featured a number of the elements that don't piss me off about The Blues Explosion. The energy, the unrelenting blues influenced guitar sound, that general swagger which to be honest, is all Spencer's most recent band have going for them.

Pussy Galore - Uptight
Pussy Galore - Fuck You, Man
Pussy Galore - Pussy Stomp


Buy Right Now! for a large sum of money at Amazon
Get Right Now! as part of Emusic's "50 free mp3s" sign up promotion.


Blogger shepherdofsharks said...

7:19 AM  

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