Thursday, March 30, 2006

Hymie's Basement - S/T

Hymie's Basement was a side project of long time indy-hop favorites cLOUDDEAD, released in late 2003 and thus before the band's master work "Ten". If you have ever heard cLOUDDEAD or Why then you'll know what's in store here, the usual graceful singing and sample use with the half rapping, half spoken word lyrical styles. A completely smooth listen that always seems awkward when jammed in with the raw, primal aggression that is generally associated with hip-hop.

As I mentioned before, this record was released before cLOUDDEAD's "Ten" and therefore shows that Hymie's Basement had an obvious effect on what was to come. cLOUDDEAD's self titled debut was awkward. They hadn't yet really acquired enough direction to make them the interesting prospect they'd be years later. However many songs present on this album show it to be somewhat of a transition between the two. There's the occasional awkward and pointless moment of the debut but there's also the emergence of fantastic melodies that'd pave the way for the likes of "Dead Dogs Two". "21st Century Pop Song" is the best example of this with it's subtle chorus and the rapping's grim lyrics..

Hymie's Basement - 21st Century Pop Song
Hymie's Basement - Ghost Dream
Hymie's Basement - America Won


Buy Hymie's Basement from Amazon


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