Monday, March 06, 2006

Elliott Smith - Live In Brooklyn 03

This live recording has been floating around my itunes for the better part of a year and now that the public’s obsession with the self loathing singer/songwriter has perhaps died down slightly, I figured now might be a good time to let this recording be heard for what it is, as opposed to some form of drippy memorial. That all ‘round sudden rediscovery of the man’s work that has caused scrutiny of any of his post death releases (official or bootleg) to be somewhat over shadowed by the fact that every gloomy, depressed teenager had found an icon that they never knew existed before his chest and a knife were given somewhat of an unpleasant introduction. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve enjoyed a large number of songs from his assorted albums. But I suppose my recent annoyance with the man comes from a source I always told myself not to let bug me. His hardcore fans. I realise that all angst infested people need an idol that summed up their gloom and misery and the even more melodramatic feeling that the very same pain that drove their work would eventually be their demise. Curtis, Cobain, hell, if Robert Smith ended it tomorrow it’d be no surprise if The Cure’s back catalogue became the bible for all that is miserable. But what’s come of his death has been a constant regurgitation of what comes off as a press release. “He had the voice of an angel”, “he was easily one of the best songwriters of the last two decades”. How can anyone come out with that overly touchy nonsense? All his records were hit and miss, all overly self indulgent at points and for every “The Biggest Lie”, “Speed Trials “and all those songs that I would put near the word “beautiful” there were dull plods through thoughts and emotions that really should have been left in a diary. An enigmatic musician with some great songs, that he was. An all purpose inclusive poster boy for depression and angst, however, is not something the man was in life or should be in death.

So here’s Smith playing live in Brookline, 03. Recorded not so long before his death as he plays a few songs from his post suicide releases. The recording also stands as a display for Smith not being the powerful lord of gloom as he jokes and laughs with a slightly annoying crowd and bar the material in his songs, does nothing to depress anyone at all.

this live set expired, yo


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Elliot Smith fan and, that established, I wouldn't argue with your assessment of his postdeath situation one iota. (What is an "iota", anyway?)

It goes without saying that Elliot wrote some brillant songs, all of which have touched me in a big way. But, yeah, some of his catalogue does get a bit plodding and, well, er, boring at times.

Another point you make that I think deserves reiterating is how fucking annoying many of the fans were at Elliot's live shows. I'm fairly certain I've heard this Brooklyn show, and I realize there's a certain amount of "ya had to be there" in play here but, goddamnit, shut the fuck up!!! This isn't a Lynrd Skynrd show. You don't need to yell and whoop at every chord change and mumbled comment. It's a sad song, get it? They're pretty much all sad songs. So stop acting like Eddie Van Halen just plowed into the opening hammer-ons of "Eruption" and listen to it.

9:33 PM  

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