Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Die! Die! Die! - S/T

Ever since Drive Like Jehu came out with their fantastic mangle of styles and influences, it’s been easy to spot a fair number of bands taking that disjointed beautiful nonsense that Jehu used so well and going their own way with it. Not to the point where they could be labelled as clones either. One such band is the charmingly named Die! Die! Die! and 2005 saw the release of their self titled record. Ten tracks, short, fast, aggressive and to the point whilst still managing to keep up a level of musical spontaneity. Giving off a strong feeling of carefully controlled, directed violence. A decent short offering that manages to zip off before it outstays it’s welcome.

Die! Die! Die! - Dissapear Here
Die! Die! Die! - Ashtray! Ashtray!


Buy Die! Die! Die! at Smoke CDs


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