Friday, February 24, 2006

Need New Body - Where Is Black Ben?

Last year saw the release of a new Need New Body album. I was totally oblivious. Did this record actually receive no press or was I just not paying close enough attention? Anyhoo, upon discovery that this album even existed, I snapped it right up and as I expected, this record is something else. It would seem that after the marginal success of their last album "UFO", Need New Body were given enough money to buy all the instruments and drugs they wanted. What comes out is an album that tries to do everything at once with complete contempt for continuation, almost a Frank Zappa for the new millennium. Not that they're as good as Frank but in terms of ideas being held more important compositional desire, Need New Body share a similar school of thought.

So we have an album of electronic spazzery, elegant piano lead songs, brass sections popping up at will, complete chaos in audio form, basically. I've given you three of the more obvious tracks but for this album to really work, the whole thing is needed. These tracks whilst standing fairly well alone, are just part of a bizzare tapestry that is this album.

Need New Body - Totally Pos Paas
Need New Body - Badoosh + Seagull War = Die
Need New Body - Eskimo


Buy Where Is Black Ben? at Amazon


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