Saturday, February 11, 2006

Frog Eyes - The Folded Palm

I'm always going to have a soft spot for vocals that make the singer sound like a rampant crack head. All awkward yelps that don't really fit the music but it's pretty clear that no one in the band cares because the singer's on his own trip and having a great time doing an impression of a weasel in a mangle. That pretty much sums up everything I can think of to say about Frog Eyes. The bands most obvious focus point is the insane warbling but it's backed up by some pretty solid simple guitar work. It's the kind of music that makes fantastic sense if you're sick of every dull plain voiced "indy rock" band. Frog Eyes have the same musicianship but with some guy losing it over the top.

Frog Eyes - The Fence Feels It's Post
Frog Eyes - I Like Dot Dot Dot
Frog Eyes - The Oscillator's Hum



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