Sunday, February 12, 2006

Botch - American Nervoso & We Are The Romans

Earlier today, I suddenly had the craving to dig out all my old Botch LPs. I forgot how absurdly good this band really was. If we're talking most ripped off bands of the 1990s/2000s then at the top of the metal inclusions would be without a doubt Converge and Botch. Whilst Converge have managed to stay together and stay fairly consistent. Botch came to an end in 2002 whilst they were still in their prime.

It's funny looking in to the barrage of tech-metal band nowadays and realizing just how essential Botch were to the process. Every bad tight jeans and makeup act of the present wouldn't have a leg to stand on were it not for the fresh ideas and talent that Botch put down nearly a decade ago. It's also amusing to see that none of these young bands have progressed any of these ideas and that Botch are still the masters of this line of music. An even further line of thought would allow you to wonder what heights they could have scaled had they stuck it out for a few more records.

In the end we were left with three main Botch releases outside of hard to get splits or rare EPs. There were the two full lengths that you can sample below as well as a final release entitled "An Anthology Of Dead Ends" that unfortunately I do not have to hand. Give them a try, buy the records, enjoy.

Taken from "American Nervoso":
Botch - Hutton's Great Heat Engine
Botch - John Woo

Taken from "We Are The Romans":
Botch - To Our Friends In The Great White North
Botch - Transistions From Persona To Object


Related Posts:
Converge/Agoraphobic Nosebleed - The Poacher Diaries


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