Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bastro - Sing The Troubled Beast/Diablo Guapo

If you've been paying attention for the past six months, you'd realize that this is the second time that a writer for this blog has posted "Sing The Troubled Beast/Diablo Guapo". This is because someone who used to post here put it up but when he left, so did all his posts. So I'm reposting this record, due mainly to the fact that it's become somewhat of a favorite of mine recently. That being after I saw this record in a smelly second hand store over christmas and thought "what the hell".

So what has caused me to repeatedly come back to this record? Mainly I think it's because I see elements of a number of other bands that I'm pretty fond of within this record. They spawned from the same math crowd that gave rise to Shellac amongst others so obviously there's a strong resemblance. I've also noticed some elements that seem a lot like late Fugazi, mainly in the track "Recidivist" that just screams "Epic Problem" at me, with the hazy yet melodic guitar work and unpredictable vocal styles. But despite all this obligatory name checking and despite their reminding me of many other bands, I've never heard a record like this before. It switches between simple, beautiful and masterful guitar patterns to flat out noise at the drop of a hat and is therefore the ideal record for people who like music to surprise them.

I have no idea where you can get this record for a reasonable price online. is asking about $37 and I'm pretty sure you're not willing to pay that. If I find a link I'll post it but otherwise it looks like you're gunna have to get your detective hats on.

Bastro - Tobacco In The Sink
Bastro - Recidivist
Bastro - Flesh-Colored House
Bastro - Hoosier Logic



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