Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Shipping News - Flies The Field

Do you like Slint? What about Explosions In The Sky? Are you interested in hearing a combination of the two? Yes? Good, because that's exactly what I have for you. Shipping news take the awkward, haunting vocals of Slint, add some EITS styled epic guitar patterns and leave you with a majestic "post-rock" fusion that makes me tingle in all the right places. "Flies The Field" showcases Shipping News as a fresh and experimental young band with a future of great music ahead of them. Plus, as I said, they remind me of Slint and I really like Slint. Almost to the point of a small obsession. I posted a track "Spiderland" a while back, it's in the September archives and if you haven't already checked that out, you really should.

Axons and Dendrites



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