Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Black Heart Procession - 2

I'm not sure why this album is effecting my mood so much. Perhaps it's the partnership "2" has developed with the bleak, gloomy South-East winter. The freezing cold that makes people say "I'm not going outside unless where ever I need to get to is less than ten minutes away." So to suit the morbid nature of the season, out comes The Black Heart Procession to make things that little bit more depressing. The elegant composure of piano lead pieces with the incredibly haunting vocal work really does seem like the soundtrack to this grey state of affairs.

I can't wait for it to be summer so The Gun Club, The Verve and Spacemen 3 can be my life's fuckin' soundtrack again. This whole "pissed off hermit" act I've got going at the moment, it's not healthy.

The Waiter no 2
A Light So Dim



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