Thursday, December 08, 2005

Utah Phillips & Ani Difranco - The Past Didn't Go Anywhere

I am SO sorry for having not posted in such a long time! Sorry, everybody!

This CD is one I was given by a friend, because he knew how much I love Ani Difranco. I have all of her stuff, but this is probably one of the most unusual of her vast discography as it features her dealing with the music side of things, lots of snappy acoustic guitars, scratching and eccentric drumbeats, with Utah Phillips talking over the top. Utah Phillips is, I quote, "a true eclectic, archivist, historian, activist, philosopher, hobo, tramp, member of the IWW, and just about everything in between." Technically he's a folk singer and story-writer. Anybody who has every heard anything by Ani Difranco will have to agree that she is one of the most gifted and important figures in folk music, or in the world of singer-songwriters, or just in the world of music... ever. I know I'm utterly biased as one of her many adoring fans, but everything and anything I have ever heard by her has been amazing, and this is no different. It's some of her more experimental stuff, but the unmistakable "Ani sound" is still there.

Utah Phillips is equally as impressive. His readings can reduce audiences to laughter and to tears within the same story. There's a lot of very moving political story telling in this, but with quite a dark sense of humour.

It's a blend of some incredible poetry and stories and beautiful musicianship. Fans of Saul Williams, Ani Difranco, post-rock, beat poetry and so on will lap this up.

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