Saturday, December 17, 2005

Pinback - Blue Screen Life

Usually I find it hard to get in to bands that are overly emotive and sometimes whiny by nature. It's probably why I found myself completely discarding this record on first listen. "Dull suburban kids complaining about how awkward "love" is", was the initial impression I was given. But alas, time makes fools of us all and I've found myself being drawn back to this record over and over.

I guess what sets Pinback apart from the bed wetting crowd is their strong lust for a decent melody and well crafted vocal harmony as opposed to wallowing in a pit of self indulgent, melodramatic nonsense. The lyrics also seem to become less lame with each hearing. Your once powerful dislike for the heart on sleeve way of song writing can quickly be transformed in to a strong sense of warmth. Just listen to the way "Bbtone" is crafted, tell me that doesn't give the old heart strings a bit of a tug.




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