Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Dwarves - Blood, Guts & Pussy

Yeah, it's a dirty punk band. From the album name and artwork, I can imagine that was pretty obvious. In fact, it's one of the dirtiest and most violent records ever made. The Dwarves are one of the few still going punk bands that are actually worth caring about. Whilst most generic three-chords-and-some-oi bands have managed to delude themselves in to thinking it's still the 70s and anarchy is still on the horizon, The Dwarves couldn't give less of a shit about politics, the youth of today or their fans. Infamous for being the pranksters of the punk scene, The Dwarves were always happy to turn up to a gig ripped to their teeth, give twenty minutes of speed punk mayhem, strip naked, destroy everything and leave. The word "punk" just seems too appropriate.

These songs will download pretty fast as they're all about a minute long. But with in the course of that minute you've been treated to a riff that sounds like a chainsaw, an angry guy shouting about how rad pussy is and a show of the fact that talent can mean fuck all when you're that entertaining. This stuff shows tedious shit like Crass, Choking Victim and generic anarchy band 637 up for being the misguided nonsense that it is. That music sucked and the message did too. Glad to see the kids are even more dumb now then they were when revolution was vaguely realistic.

Fuck You Up And Get High
Astro Boy



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