Sunday, October 02, 2005

French Toast - In A Cave

A lot of people have proclaimed that next to no good music has been released this year, I'm not too sure myself, as far as I can tell, there's been some mind blowing good stuff and a load of audio cancer, like every year really. Maybe there's been less good shit this year but I haven't really been counting. However at the beginning of this year we did get the majesty that is French Toast.

Another two piece that create way more sound than two people should be able to. They have bits of Depeche Mode, My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, Hot Snakes and other such cool shit in their sound. Are they as good as any of those bands? Well not really but they're still tight. Hell, when I do the obligatory "twenty best of the year" list at the end of the year, they'll probably be right near the top. Really, it is fantastic stuff, mellow yet edgy, just how I like it.

Float Away
What I see
Lion's Den



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