Saturday, September 17, 2005

Public Enemy - It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back

I have no idea why it took me so long to post this. Public Enemy could well be the pinnacle of all that is good within hip-hop. Intellectual lyrics, spot on beats and a truck load of charisma. They blended Malcolm X styled race politics with the newly created craftsmanship of rapping and decks to put across a powerful message and some fantastic music. This, their critically acclaimed second LP was also their finest. You can just feel the anger and sense of injustice that bottled up inside these men through their music and even today they show up most hip-hop as the shallow, materialistic bullshit that it is.

Louder Than A Bomb
She Watch Channel Zero
Prophets Of Rage



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate what your doing,
this is some great stuff,
tis and DJ statics given me a real taste for hip hop at the moment, I'm always listening to this blog when I'm on the computor.

9:01 PM  

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