Thursday, September 29, 2005

Napalm Death - Scum

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In case you haven't noticed, there is now this Google banner at the top of the page. If you want to show some appreciation for all this fine music I'm bringing you, click on it. I'd at least like to make the costs of running this blog and it's Google, not some scary advantage taking company with money as its sole purpose. So be nice boys and girls, kay?

If I was helping some evil, capitalist organization out then I'd have no right to put up this next band. Yeah, the bands name might give it away, I've posted some more bone crushingly heavy shit. I've said it before but loud violent music really has to do something to make me give two shits, so much dull, cloned bullshit around nowadays y'see. Well this band got the formula right, making more powerful grind-core than you or your mates could handle. Stuffing as many riffs in to as little time as possible whilst still maintaining a fierce political out look was their game and Napalm Death were so refreshing for doing so. Don't listen to it if you've got a bad ass headache.

Instinct Of Survival
Siege Of Power



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