Saturday, September 17, 2005

Mclusky - Mclusky Do Dallas

Here's part two of the Mclusky trilogy. This is the one, the album all members of this band will spend the rest of their creative lives trying to better, and you know, It's doubtable that they ever will. Raw, loud, violent and incredibly funny, this record is fucking amazing. Take The Pixies, put them in a blender and sprinkle some Bill Hicks laugh-out-loud humor in, replace Kim Deal with another screaming nut bar and you have this record. If I had to choose a favorite LP, this one would be way up the list, possibly the only album in the past ten years to inspire that feeling in me. After listening to the mp3s you'll understand, go out and get it kids.

What We've Learned
Dethink To Survive
Gareth Brown Says



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am buying this as soon as possible,

11:07 PM  

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