Friday, September 09, 2005


Answers to the questions I've become tired of giving generic responses to.

Who are the posters here?
There's me (Eugene), Kieran and Alice. We also used to have two writers called Androol (no idea what his real name is) and Marissa. They're both long gone.

How come none of you have posted something by (insert band here)?
Two possibilities. 1) None of us have heard of said band 2)We don't like the band.

Can I send you a CD/promo/mp3s?
Sure. Send an e-mail to and I'll give you the address of which ever poster you want to send something to.

You took down an mp3 that I want, can you send it to me?
No. All mp3s are taken down after two months and if you missed the chance, tough shit.

I own a music blog similar to yours, will you link to us?
Maybe. Send me the link and I will check your site out. Our links section is made from sites that I read or sites that have linked to us.

Why does you site look so crappy compared to others?
Because I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to HTML. If you know a good template generator that won't destroy all the existing posts and is easily implemented, please point it out to me.


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  • All mp3 files are hosted for sampling purposes only. If you are the owner of any copyrighted music present and don't like having your music up, just send an e-mail to